Importing users

This method is suitable for adding a few learners at a time (less than 10).

In the Groups screen, you can either:

  • click on the group in which you want to import users and click on Import users.
  • click on Import users in the modal of group creation.

A window opens allowing you to either import a CSV file or add users manually.

CSV Import

You can edit a CSV file with Excel, Numbers or Sheets. We give you file templates per Mac and PC to use so you don’t have encoding problems.

Your file must strictly respect the shape of the templates. Fill it in, then click on Upload a CSV file to upload it.

Once the file is uploaded your learners will receive an email with a link they will have to click on to register.

Manual Import

To manually add a learner, click on Add a line. Indicate the email, surname and first name of the person to be added. If this email already exists, his first and last name are pre-filled. Otherwise, the user will be created.


You can set a password for these new users. They will be able to use it on their first connection and will be asked to modify it on their first connection. If the option is not checked, a random password will be generated and sent by email to the user.